2019 年媽祖生日之墾丁珊瑚產卵

今年墾丁珊瑚產卵告一段落,屬於潛水人的春吶!我潛水我驕傲!特別推薦 INON LF-800N ,用來搜索蠻好用的,因為光束集中可以穿透海水照射到遠處,遠遠看到珊瑚噴卵之後就可以立刻游過去看珊瑚產卵的瞬間。今年墾丁珊瑚產卵盛況空前,除了每年媽祖生日前後幾天(農曆3/23-25)固定會下蛋的微孔珊瑚以外,核三廠出水口也能看到棘杯珊瑚和菊珊瑚產卵喔!科普一下,珊瑚產卵有分同時排精卵和分別排精或排卵的類型,煙霧狀的就是精或卵團,而一次冒出一粒粒的,是精卵先結合後分散的(自己同時排出的精卵雖然先黏在一起,但不會受精),大自然真的很奧妙

INON LF-800N – Great search light for Kenting Coral Spawning…..Ideal lighting device for aiming smoke and bundles released from coral. The smoke is from the gonochoristic spawning (the smoke is either eggs or sperm). While the bundles (pinky-orange balls) from the other corals are mixtures of eggs and sperm (although self incompatible). The latter is more common as most of the spawning corals are hermaphrodites. Next year, please bring you INON LF-800N to Kenting to see such an impressive sight.