

品牌: Anthis Model: 15362
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Niko..
品牌: Anthis Model: 16360
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Niko..
品牌: Anthis Model: 41392
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Niko..
品牌: Anthis Model: 18314
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. Anthis Macro Port 6..
品牌: Anthis Model: 15399
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Niko..
品牌: Anthis Model: 50307
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Niko..
品牌: Anthis Model: 50301
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Cano..
品牌: Anthis Model: 50305
[說明] Nexus offer macro flat ports that can be adapted to work with a range of lenses by adding extension rings and zoom gears or manual focus gears as needed. These macro ports allow wet lens to be attached underwater to have a greater magnification of the small critters. [相容鏡頭] Cano..
品牌: Anthis Model: 15507
[說明] Anthis Multi Extension MEF82M-4 has the focus knob to allow for manual focus. It comes with a knob that allows switching the lens focus mode. [規格] 型號: MEF82M-4 編號: 15358 尺寸: 60mm (長) 129.8mm (直徑) 26.8mm (高) 材質: 鋁合金 [選購配件] Port Ring Φ140M..
品牌: Anthis Model: 16342
[說明] Anthis Multi Extension MEF82M-5 has the focus knob to allow for manual focus. It comes with a knob that allows switching the lens focus mode. [規格] 型號: MEF82M-5 編號: 16342 尺寸: 60mm (長) 129.8mm (直徑) 26.8mm (高) 材質: 鋁合金 [選購配件] Port Ring Φ140M..
顯示 85 - 96 / 179 (共 15 頁)