FUN-IN Underwater Photo Equipment Co., Ltd. would like to thank our friends and customers in Taipei and the Northern region for their support in the past 9 years. We have restructured our business operations in order to serve you better and to make an official announcement that:
1) We have ceased our operations of our Taipei Branch with immediate effect at 2F, No.300, Sec.3, Heping E. Rd., Taipei, 106, TAIWAN. Any business, activities and events operating from the above location is not associated with our company.
2) Customers who has queries regarding purchases, repair, maintenance and warranty of equipment purchase prior 1 May 2014 are welcome to contact our
Head Office at: No 134, Sec.3, Linsen Rd., Tainan 70452 Taiwan
Tel: 06-2740508,
Email: [email protected]
3) We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify that the website belonging to "Divervision" is not in anyway related to Fun-In Underwater Photo Equipment Co., Ltd.
We are in the midst of preparing for the launch of our new Taipei Branch to serve you better and in the mean time, please contact our Head Office for any of your underwater photographic equipment needs.
1. 豐英水中攝影機材有限公司即日起停止台北店 (台北市大安區和平東路三段300號2樓) 之所有業務,原地址所經營之任何項目均與豐英無關。
2. 2014年5月1日前在豐英台北購買的客戶如有任何器材維修、保養、保固,請直接與台南總公司聯絡 06-2740508,地址:台南市林森路三段134號。
3. 關於各界經常詢問有關Divervision網站,藉此機會再次重申該網站與本公司無任何關係,請勿再以訛傳訛造成不避要的誤會。
4. 如有任何水中攝影機材的需求,請與總公司聯絡
Announce Time: 2014-05-02